Monday, February 13, 2012

Wrong Nomination Papers arrive

Nomination papers have arrived from City Hall (they have to be in by 28 March, so we've plenty of time), but they are the wrong ones. They're for the Mayor and for the London-wide members of the Greater London Assembly whereas we're only standing in 2 of the 11 constituencies and will have to get the papers we require from Lambeth and Wandsworth town halls. (I don't know if people out there realise that they will have three votes on 3 May, one for Mayor, one for a London-wide Party list and one for a constituency member.)

Still, the papers that were sent were interesting as they detail the conditions needed to stand for Mayor, essentially a £10,000 deposit (returnable if you get more than 5% of the vote) plus 330 signatures (10 per London borough + 10 from the City of London). It's doubtful if those in the Occupy movement who were talking of standing a candidate as a publicity stunt would be able to meet these conditions, especially the £10,000 but also perhaps the 10 signatures from electors in the City of London.

Fortunately no signatories are required for standing a Party List or contesting a constituency, only a document signed by the Party's Nominating Officer. But there is a deposit: £5000 for a List and £1000 for a constituency candidature.

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